Install certified version (FSTEK)

Install StaffCop Enterprise for Ubuntu Server 16.04 environment.

  1. Install the environment.

Openo the page of the distributive and download Ubuntu Server 64-bit PC (AMD64) server install image. Direct downloading link: Download the image and install it on a PC or a virtual machine.


We recommend you to choose the standard tools and openssh-server during the installation. Configure the network interface in such a way so you could connect to the installed server in you local network.

  1. Download and install the dependencies for StaffCop Enterprise installation package. The archive contains the deb-packages from the official Ubuntu repository that are required for installation and work of StaffCop Enterprise and the Packages file allowing you to use the directory with the packages as an offline-repository, for a more handy installation.

Download and extract the package with the dependencies

cd /opt
sudo wget
sudo tar -jxvf staffcopdeps_ubuntu16.tbz

Create a link for configuring of python-dependencies:

sudo ln -s /opt/deps/ /usr/share/deps

Specify the local repository (the existing entries on the list will be deleted):

echo "deb [trusted=yes] file:/opt/staffcopdeps ./"  | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update

Install packages:

sudo apt install -y python2.7 libpython2.7 python-pkg-resources antiword unrtf poppler-utils pstotext libmad0 nginx dialog pv bc libjpeg62 realpath libav-tools zip postgresql python-virtualenv build-essential python-dev postgresql-server-dev-all libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev libicu-dev
  1. Download and install StaffCop Enterprise.

The repository with the stable version Find there the deb-package and download it, for example:


sudo dpkg -i staffcop_server_4.3.1105-fstec4.3_agent_5.8.2478.deb

It may require choosing the time zone when configuring the package.

Then follow the instructions given in Final steps.

Astra Linux Special Edition Smolensk 1.6

  1. Install the environment.

Install Astra SE from the ISO-image. The server doesn’t require a graphical interface to work.


We recommend you to choose the standard tools and openssh-server during the installation. Configure the network interface in such a way so you could connect to the installed server in you local network.

  1. Install the dependencies. Two steps:
    1. installation of the dependencies from the Astra SE 1.6 boot disk
    2. installation of the dependencies that can’t be found in the repositories of Astra.

2a. installation of the dependencies from the Astra SE 1.6 boot disk. The boot disk must be inserted in the CD-drive.

Make sure that apt is configured for installation from the boot disk repositories:

cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb cdrom:[OS Astra Linux 1.6 smolensk - amd64 DVD ]/ smolensk contrib main non-free

Install the dependencies from the Astra SE 1.6 boot disk:

sudo apt-get install python2.7 libpython2.7 python-pkg-resources poppler-utils dialog bc libjpeg62 zip # postgresql*


  • At this step you can also install postgresql included in Astra SE. In this case you have to manually configure the standard mandatory policies - give the StaffCop user access to the StaffCop database.

Download and install the dependencies for Staffcop Enterprise installation package. The archive contains the deb-packages from the official Debian repositories that are required for installation and work of Staffcop Enterprise and the Packages file allowing you to use the directory with the packages as an offline-repository, for a handier installation. The list of dependencies contains Postgresql, remove it from the list in case it was installed earlier.

Download and extract the package with the dependencies

cd /opt
sudo wget
sudo tar -jxvf staffcopdeps_astra1.6.tbz

Create a link for configuring of python-dependencies:

sudo ln -s /opt/deps/ /usr/share/deps

Specify the local repository (the existing entries on the list will be deleted):

echo "deb [trusted=yes] file:/opt/staffcopdeps_astra1.6 ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt update

Install packages:

apt install -y realpath build-essential libssl-dev python-virtualenv python-dev libtiff5-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev zlib1g-dev libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libicu-dev antiword unrtf pstotext libmad0 pv nginx libav-tools postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all
  1. Download and install StaffCop Enterprise.

The repository with the stable version Find there the deb-package and download it, for example:

cd /tmp


sudo dpkg -i staffcop_server_4.3.1105-fstec4.3_agent_5.8.2478.deb

It may require choosing the time zone when configuring the package.

Then follow the instructions given in Final steps.