Filter control panel

Filter control panel - buttons located above the Constructor, which allow you to perform operations on filters. Some buttons appear when certain actions are performed in Constructor. The table below describes the conditions under which they appear and their purpose:

../_images/filters_navigation.png ../_images/filters_navigation_2.png


Button name Conditions of appearance Descriptions
Filter properties Always displayed Opens the modal window “Filter properties”
Save If there is at least one filtering element is selected in the “Constructor” or “Filters” tab. If the filter does not exist, it creates it with the specified filtering parameters. If the filter is selected from the “Filters” tab or the filter is edited in Constructor, it is saved to the current filter.
Save as… If an existing filter is selected Creates a new filter with the specified filtering parameters
Create Always displayed Resets the specified filtering parameters and generates the name of a new filter, policy, dictionary or dashboard.
Cancel if at least one element is selected in Constructor Resets the specified filtering and generates the name of the new filter to create

The bottom panel contains “Refresh” button, which updates the data in “Lens” (very right panel), and a chain of filtering parameters, if they were specified.