In Ubuntu 16.04, the initialization system has changed. Sometimes this leads to a 502 error, because the Staffcop service does not start automatically. To solve this problem, you must explicitly allow the launch of this unit. sudo systemctl enable staffcop
Other commands for units: Launch unit immediately:
systemctl start unit
Stop unit immediately:
systemctl stop unit
Restart unit:
systemctl restart unit
Request unit to reset its settings:
systemctl reload unit
Show the status of the unit, and whether it is running or not:
systemctl status unit
Check if the unit is enabled in autorun when booting the system:
systemctl is-enabled unit
Add unit to autorun list at system boot:
systemctl enable unit
Remove unit from autorun list at system boot:
systemctl disable unit
Mask unit to make it impossible to launch:
systemctl mask unit
Unmask unit:
systemctl unmask unit
Show the page of the user manual related to the unit (requires support for this function in the specified unit file):
systemctl help unit
Reload systemd to find new or changed units:
systemctl daemon-reload
all the logs since the latest boot
journalctl -b
filter by date.
$ journalctl ---since yesterday
$ journalctl --since 09:00 --until now
$ journalctl --since 10:00 --until "1 hour ago"
filter by service
journalctl -u nginx.service
by service for a period of time.
journalctl -u nginx.service –since yesterday
journalctl -u nginx.service -u php-fpm.service —since today
by ID
journalctl _PID=381
by ID
journalctl _UID=33
who can be found in the logs
journalctl -F _UID
all filters
man systemd.journal-fields
look by path
journalctl /usr/bin/docker
what is for the kernel
journalctl -k
by error level
journalctl -k
errors are:
- 0 - EMERG (the system is not operational);
- 1 - ALERT (immediate intervention required);
- 2 - CRIT (critical condition);
- 3 - ERR (error);
- 4 - WARNING (warning);
- 5 - NOTICE (all’s well, but you should pay attention);
- 6 - INFO (notification);
- 7 - DEBUG (delayed printing).
output without less
journalctl --no-pager
log formats
journalctl -u nginx.service -o json
like these ones
- cat - only messages from logs without service fields;
- export - binary format, suitable for export or backup logs;
- short - syslog output format;
- short-iso - syslog output format with time stamps in ISO 8601 format;
- short-monotonic - syslog output format with monotonic time stamps (monotonic timestamp);
- short-precise — syslog output format with accurate time marks (the time of events is specified with an accuracy of microseconds);
- verbose - the most detailed format of data presentation (includes even those fields that are not displayed in other formats).
journalctl -n
real time
journalctl -f
amount of logs
journalctl --disk-usage
decrease the logs size to
sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=1G
decrease the logs by time
sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1years
same in the conf file
/еtc/systemd/journald.conf, which contain next parameters:
- SystemMaxUse = maximum amount that logs can occupy on the disk;
- SystemKeepFree = amount of free space that should remain on the disk aftersaving logs;
- SystemMaxFileSize = size of the log file, after which it should be removed from the disk;
- RuntimeMaxUse = maximum amount that logs can occupy in the /run file system;
- RuntimeKeepFree = amount of free space that should remain in the /run file system after saving logs;
- RuntimeMaxFileSize = the size of the log file on reaching which it’s deleted from /run filesystem.
Centralized storage of logs¶
systemd-journal-remote --url