What’s new in 5.1


Before upgrading from version 5.0 or lower, you have to get a new license key. Rollback to the previous version leads to loss of data.


  • authorization page is automatically open after the expiration of an admin’s;

  • export and filtration of “History of actions”;

  • termination of all active sessions after a password change for any of admins;

  • deactivation of admins if they are not found in Active Directory synchronization group;

  • protection against password cracking in admin panel;

  • logging of change of password by admins.

Improvements of the admin panel

  • notification about the impossibility of assigning the a license due to the lack of unassigned licenses;

  • incident management is improved: ID of event is added from the database to the table of the incident;

  • non-graphical content is excluded from the snapshots viewer;

  • “Daily reports” are moved from “Admin” menu to “Reports” menu;

  • agent’s version is displayed on the “Computers” page;

  • access to “Export and printing” is added to “Groups of admins”;

  • “Priority” is added to “Response patterns” in the “Incident Management” console;

  • alert on changing of schedules is added;

  • filters can be saved as policies;

  • macOS agents can be updated from the admin panel.


  • inactive users are now displayed in “Combine report”;

  • introduced new stable PDF generator of reports for Pie Chart, Analysis – Table and Analysis and Facts – Heatmap;

  • “Position of employees” can be displayed in “Combined report”;

  • RAM volume is displayed in “Devices inventory” report;

  • grouping by user option is added to Combined report.

Interception channels

  • web-traffic filtration on ICAP-server (experimental):

    • interception of files in POST-requests;

    • website visiting;

    • web form data;

    • interception of chats in MS Teams;

    • interception of chats in Bitrix;

  • filtration of tagged files that are sent to the network.

macOS agent

  • remote update of macOS agent from the admin panel;

  • file monitoring;

  • versatile installer for Intel and M1;

  • small fixes and improvements.

Linux agent

  • DLP-module;

  • file scanner;

  • interception of network protocols;

  • interception of SMTP-protocol on the network level;

  • support for ARM-based hardware;

  • distribution package for Portage and Gentoo.

Windows agent

  • Teams: interception of files and audio messages;

  • full removal of agent from the workstation.