Upgrade StaffCop Server to 4.8 version¶
To upgrade you must have access to the Internet on the computer with the StaffCop Enterprise server.
You should connect to the server through SSH and run the command below:
wget http://distr.staffcop.su/install4.8.sh -O /tmp/install && sudo bash /tmp/install
The script will perform the following actions:
check system requirements;
request creating database backup;
download necessary packages;
upgrade OS and StaffCop Enterprise.
Upgrade may take a long time (depends on the size of the database and the performance of the server). To speed up the process, you can reduce the size of the database before starting the upgrade.
To reduce the size of the database, you can use the commands described in the article «sudo staffcop cleanup».
During the upgrade the server will ask for a key for version 4.8.
Do not upgrade the server if you do not have a license key from version 4.8, as in this case you will not be able to use StaffCop Enterprise before purchasing a new key, and rollback to the previous version will lead to data loss.
If you don’t have the key, or have a key for version 4.7 or older, you should contact Sales Department: sales@staffcop.com, and ask them for a new key. Provide information about your current license key.
After upgrading the StaffCop Server, it is recommended to update the agents. To update agents, refer the article «Agents update».